7 SEO Winners from the Google Blog Search


Search engines are ever-changing, and it's important that you keep up with the new search engine optimization (SEO) standards to give your website a better chance of being found by consumers in need. Instead of spending time on a Google Blog Search, trying to find hints and tips for your website's SEO, bookmark the following 7 SEO Blogs to help you win online. 

7 SEO Winners from the Google Blog Search


Forbes.com put it best when they described Neil Patel as:

...The co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 online marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies in the world. He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 35 by the United Nations. Neil has also been awarded Congressional Recognition from the United States House of Representatives.

In essence, he knows his stuff, continually produces up-to-date content, and has great videos as well as written blog posts. 

Search Engine Journal

SEJ was founded in 2003 and has continued to be a powerhouse in the SEO arena. They are very focused on SEO news and trends, and they post quite a few times a day (~5 on average.) Be sure to check out their running history of the Google algorithm, as it's a great complement to the Google Blog Search. 

The Moz Blog

The Moz Blog is one of the most popular and well-known SEO blogs. Founded by Rand Fishkin, Moz is a pillar of the SEO community and has published loads of great content over the years. One of my personal favorites is their Beginners Guide to SEO, which I used when I first started Bryan Caplan Marketing

Search Engine Land

Not to be confused with Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land is focused exclusively on SEO. They pump out articles like nobody's business, averaging around 5 per day, and they are a great way to keep up to date on the latest and greatest within the SEO world. 


If you've ever managed or built a WordPress site, chances are you've seen the name Yoast. Yoast provides an amazing SEO plugin for WordPress sites and also publishes a wonderful SEO blog. The Yoast team focuses on WordPress SEO (obviously,) content SEO, and technical SEO.


Brian Dean is an SEO guru, and his blog does not disappoint. Backlinko doesn't publish new content regularly because Brian's focus is on quality, informative content. Because of his extensive knowledge, many SEO experts can attribute some of their strategies to Brian's work. 


In addition to their amazing tools, SEMRush's multi-author blog publishes about one article per day, but they are definitely worth the read. Industry experts lend their knowledge and experience in guest posts that are sure to enlighten someone starting out in the SEO world. 


If for nothing else, Builtvisible is such a beautiful blog that you can just bask in the aesthetic. Of course, they have a ton of informative content. The caveat here being that the lead author, Richard Baxter, is an industry veteran and very knowledgeable, but he writes for the seasoned SEO - not someone new to the game. It's a perfect mix of technical content and beautiful user experience. 

More from the Google Blog Search?

What SEO blogs have you found in the Google Blog Search? Anything worth mentioning in the comments section below?